I am impressed. You did a grand job
of editing my manuscript,
Down to a Soundless Sea. Your insights
are brilliant. Your attention to detail is astonishing. I adore your dedication to perfection. Your sensitivity to my voice and style was exemplary. The
manuscript is set for publication and you helped make it possible.
I consider
you a diamond polisher of the highest caliber.
Thomas Steinbeck (son of John Steinbeck),
Oxnard, CA, author of Down to a Soundless Sea published by Ballantine Books
With 7 Memories, I wrote a memoir that my friends and family LOVED. I had to keep printing more and more copies because everyone who read it, wanted to keep it. And I don't consider myself a writer at all. Thank you, Trish, for helping me create a treasured personal biography!
Betty Jo Strong, San Diego, CA, author of Life is Wonderful, Self-published memoir
You were invaluable in helping me see my project through from the earliest stages to publication. You read my manuscript with an impartial thoughtfulness and with intelligence. You made helpful suggestions for change and aided me to implement them. Your editing was always for the improvement of the work.
When it was time to find an agent and a publisher, you helped me along every step of the way. You never gave me false hope, but provided gentle encouragement. Your opinions were always wise! Now that my book has been published and is receiving the positive comments of others, I truly know it couldn't have been done without you.
Sharon Romm, MD, Seattle, WA, author of Dating After 50, published by Quill Driver Books.
After receiving my MFA, publishing many stories, and receiving awards for my writing, I knew I was a skilled writer. But, like any writer, I have areas in my work that need improvement. Trish, you gave me exceptional, directive support in those areas – in my case, plot and wordiness.
With your guidance, it took me only six months to write the book I’ve been trying to write for years -- and to get a top New York literary agent to represent me. Now, a major publishing house has bought the rights and will be publishing it. You led me (at times hand-held me) through the process of creating a superb query and synopsis. I could not have done this without you.
Kerry Cohen Hoffmann, MFA, Lennox, MA, author of Easy, Simon & Schuster 2006.
Trish, you've helped me do it again. This time a major publisher has bought the rights to my memoir and offered a six-figure advance. And again, I could not have done this without you.
Kerry Cohen Hoffmann, MFA, Lennox, MA, author of Loose Girl, Hyperion, 2008.
Wow. I went over your edits to my
story this weekend. I am extremely happy with the editing you have done.
It does have much more punch and gusto now. Working with you has been like taking an intense class on story mechanics. I've really enjoyed the one-on-one working relationship -- especially the convenience of the Internet and
e-mail. I honestly thank God I read about you in the San Diego
I have taken numerous creative writing classes at local colleges and I've
attended a couple of writing workshops and
I can honestly say I have never
received such professional help on any of my work as you have provided.
Thanks a million.
James Wray, San Diego, author of award-winning "Dark Toast" published in the
Wind Review.
I just thought I'd let you know my memoir about my strange childhood
home has been accepted for publication. With the addition of some historical material, the book is essentially the same as when I worked with you on it.
Thank you so much for all your help. You were very instrumental in my getting this published.
Kate Barlow, Oakville, Canada, author of Abode of Love, Mainstream Publishing, in press.
With your coaching, there were such noticeable changes in my writing. I received more education from you, than I did in most college courses. It was quite intense. In fact, it was remarkable.
You are a talented woman with so much integrity. You changed the course of my life. I am now a published author and freelance reporter.
Christina Macone-Greene, Fallbrook, CA, author of Rebuffing the Bishop, Amira Press, 2007.
Trish, many thanks for all your help and for having faith in me.
I LOVED your query letter and could not have gotten disentangled from my own work at that point to see the forest for the trees.
A top literary agent now represents my book and has placed it with my first-choice publisher, to be available next May. Again, many, many thanks.
Mary Z. Maher, Ph.D. Ashland, OR, author of Actors Talk About Shakespeare, Applause/Limelight books, in press.
Without your very professional and yet mild and respectful critique I would not have made it this far. I am elated and hope to soon be able to inform you that we have found a publisher. In the case that I will need your professional help, you will certainly hear from me.Thank you again and wish me luck.
Yolanda Croes, Aruba
Trish, working with you was like taking a step out of the 21st century business world. You got back to me promptly, did the work on time, and were beyond what I could call efficient. Your prices were so affordable compared to the competition yet you provided such expertise. Your query materials landed me a publisher who realized the power of my book. Not only did you help me with all that, but
your editing of my web site bio and resume will help me sell my books. You are an absolute diamond and I will use you over and over again. Thanks Trish for everything.
Christa Jan Ryan, NY, Author of Silent Screams From the Hamptons and From the Depth of This Woman's Soul.
Trish, I received the final version of the nonfiction proposal and it looks great. I can't thank you enough for your help. I see now that although I think I'm a pretty good writer, I didn't know jack crap about writing a proposal. I cringe at the thought of sending my original draft to my prospective agent.
Thank goodness I came to you. Very impressive. ... And now I've been signed by a top New York literary agent. Jon Ibrahim, Chicago, IL, author of Chicago Tribune Redeye column, "The Sex Playbook"
In today's ultra-competitive market, even seasoned writers can use an objective and knowledgeable mentor. Trish, you helped me refine my marketing queries and did so in a pleasant, constructive manner.
The first query I sent after consulting with you has resulted in a publishing contract.
Thanks, Trish!
Morgan Hunt, Ashland, OR, Sticky Fingers, Allyson Publications, 2007.
you take concepts, ideas, and disjointed thoughts and make them sing. Thank you for clarifying the complex psychological and emotional issues of retirement to ensure the readability of my book. I am deeply grateful for your support.
Douglas Fletcher, New Port Beach, CA, author of Life After Work: Redefining Retirement
Trish, Your review of my manuscript dazzled me with its
clarity. Your writing is direct, pithy, to-the-point,
and professional. Thank you for your concrete
suggestions for improvement, your keen observation of
details, and your comprehensive list of remedies.
Well done!I will use your suggestions. I accept them in good
Your work is worth every penny of its price.
A great value! With sincere thanks,
Steve Barley, New York
After working with you on my query letter and synopsis, I'm writing to update you on the latest positive development in my agent search. A top New York literary agent wrote:
"Thank you for the wonderful query letter and brief synopsis. Absolutely,
we would like to have a chance to read your novel. Please send the
complete manuscript. We are most intrigued and are grateful for your
Trish, thank YOU once again for helping me get this kind of attention.
Don Reneau, Chicago, IL
I have authored ten books and for each book I have had a different editor.
But none of the editors had your writing skills, speedy turnaround time, attention to detail, and creativity.Trish, you are a gifted, true professional and a joy to work with.
William Cormier, Ph.D., Annapolis, MD, author/co-author of more than 40 books, chapters, research articles, and theoretical papers
I'm amazed that I could continuously work on this book and, line by line,
taking my time, see how I could slice a word or phrase here and there, to
the benefit of not only pace but impact of meaning. I have truly learned
more in this work triggered by your help than in 20+ years and four prior
novels. The passion and dexterity I have down; but it's really more about craft.
Richard Alther, Ferrisburgh, VT
Thank you for the attention and detail you gave in editing my nonfiction proposal and query letter. My book topic is esoteric and not generally known or understood. You rewrote the complex subject matter so the reader has an immediate and clear grasp of the concepts -- including the market viability of the book. I appreciated your prompt and courteous service and your willingness to address all of my questions and concerns. Your expertise and integrity show in the service you provide.
Kevin Noon, Ph.D., Evergreen, CO
I reviewed my book and it looks great! Your editing elevated the text to something easily readable and eloquent. Thank you so much for all your help!
Denise Coates, Los Angeles, CA, author of Feel It Real, Executive Publishers International, in press.
Trish Benesh is a literary critic who has guided me through 27 drafts of “Hey, Doc! Does Speling Count?” She combines a professional attitude with a great sense of humor and a positive outlook on life (sprinkled with a few ironic twists). I knew she was perfect for me in our initial email exchange, and that gut level impression never changed. While no author likes his/her work criticized, I always welcomed the 7 or 8 three-page, single-spaced critiques I commissioned from Trish. She was able to identify problems I could not see, but, more importantly, she presented her suggestions in ways I could immediately accept. Never once was I hurt, discouraged, or upset by her critiques. In the end, I agreed with every suggestion she made.
William W. Ward, Ph.D. New Brunswick, NJ
Thanks so much for coming back to
present at Maryland Writers' Association conference this year.
I looked
at the conference evaluations and, like last year, you got rave reviews.
You are immensely talented and are so generous to share what you know.
Vicki Meade, Past President, Maryland Writers'
I am very happy with the way you edited my story and I would like to thank you for that.
I am especially pleased you found and helped me fix the logic holes and other inconsistencies. Once again, thank you for your expertise. I look forward to working with you on my next story.
Hans Arnold, London
Thanks for your brilliant assistance
during your Synposis Workshop at the Southern California Writers' Conference.
You contributed generously to all who were there and your enthusiasm for
what you do was obvious.
Pat Farrell, Author of 101 Ways to
Trish, I want you to know the dollars I spent for your manuscript review were dollars very well spent. As you said early on, it is a lesson in writing. I am still digesting the curriculum and probably will be for some time into the future. There are a few other areas in which we differ, but all-in-all, I'm very pleased with the review and will take ALL of your suggestions into consideration.
You're truly great at what you do and ANY author will benefit from his/her contact with you.
Don Martin, Bellevue, WA
I must tell you how much I appreciate your guidance and advice. After reading through some of the comments on your web site, I have to admit that unlike some of your other clients, I have never felt possessive about what I've written, or what should be cut or added. Being a novice writer, I rely on your insight and look forward to the revisions. The direction you give for adjusting, rewriting or creating prose is encouraging and allows for thought-provoking creativity. Learning how to write a synopsis and query letter with your guidance turned into a fun exercise.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the writing process and have learned much more than I ever imagined. I am almost embarrassed when I think of the first piece I sent to you. The story certainly has developed since its first submission and I look forward to working with you on future projects
Mary Briles, Fayetteville, NC
Trish, I just read your review and have to say that it is quite
it's exactly what I was looking for. I'm going to add the changes to my manuscript and hopefully it will turn out much better. I would also like to send the revised manuscript to you when it's ready. I'll let you know.
Christiana DeFoe, Amsterdam, Netherlands
I appreciate your thorough, perceptive suggestions regarding my manuscript for young adolescents. I will be working on your suggestions for the rewrite.
I feel that your comments are accurate and extremely helpful. Thank you for your expertise. I hope to make this into a book that actually gets published
Sally Landaker, Montague, CA
Trish, I thought I would write and say thank you. You gave me lots of help over a year ago on the editing my memoir. I've decided to self publish. I'll always remember your getting back to me when I thought all was lost with my writing.
Thank you for all the insight and faith you gave me.
Rose Schreiber, Jupiter, FL
I had been working so long on my novel, I was just sick of it. Trish, you helped me with your short collaborative exercises that weren't too overwhelming. Working on the exercises together and having someone out there giving me instant feedback was extremely helpful. I'm living in a remote rural part of Nevada and I feel somewhat isolated.The longer exercises didn't seem overwhelming, either. Working with you resulted in a breakthrough for me and I could see that I had to make a couple of major changes to the novel. Your exercises allowed me to see the forest through the trees. These simple, short assignments really helped. (Although they really weren't so simple, after all.) But I thought it was fun and interesting and it got me writing again.
Celeste Porter, Elko, NV
Thank you so much for your review of my memoir! It's very helpful and
informative. It gives me a clear method for approaching a re-write. I also
appreciate your style suggestions; I hadn't realized how many times I'd
included repetitions and awkward phrasing. After re-reading the manuscript
during these last two weeks, I agree with your comments about continuity,
timelines, and balance. I also like how you complimented the strengths in my
writing and story.
I greatly respect your analysis. I'm definitely going
to recommend your services to a friend who's working on a novel and looking
for advice. And I plan to seek your help once again after finishing my
MP, Los Angeles, CA
Wow! It's 6:00 AM and I've just finished
rereading my manuscript. I'm blown away. It sounds so much more professional.Your
streamlining and revision made it so much more emotional and heart-rending.
When I read the final scene I was blithering like a baby. I can't say enough
about it.
Your help and insights are an invaluable commodity. I can't imagine
trusting anyone else to edit the sequel.
PP, Marmora, Canada
Thank you for the fabulous job in
helping me redraft my manuscript. I knew there were serious problems with
some of the chapters, but I needed you to tell me. In this respect alone,
you have more than earned your fee. I am so much happier with the manuscript
I take great personal pleasure in being able to heap praise on you
for doing such good work.
WW, New Brunswick, NJ
My manuscript is finished and I couldn't be happier.
For the first time I feel the book has a roundness to it, a completeness that it hasn't had before. And it's much to do with your sensitive criticisms and editing.
KB, Ontario, Canada
I am thankful to have found you.You are very knowledgeable, professional and helpful. It's a miracle really. There are so many sources of information available today, it''s difficult to sort through them all. But I have to say again, how much your help is appreciated. I look forward to working with you again in the future
NR, Dallas, TX
I spent more than two hours thinking
about and integrating your comments. I was especially pleased with your
helping me pick up the pace--which is very important.It helped to have
some positive comments.
You really read this stuff carefully. Great example
of paying attention to EVERY detail! Thanks.
ST, San Diego, CA
I have received a very thorough and highly professional critique which has turned my idea of what constitutes a publishable novel right on it's head. I suppose that, like me, most new writers consider the step from writing a novel to having it accepted by a publisher to be a mere walk in the park. But your review has radically changed my views on that score. And I thank you for it.
Let me assure you that I am truly happy with what you have done for me.
I wanted only an unbiased assessment of what I had written and I received not only that but a whole lot more. I expected something good - what I got was something truly outstanding.
IM, Milnerton,South Africa
If it weren't for you and your honest
feedback and critique of my material, I never would have gotten this far
so quickly. I applaud your business ethics. You could have told me the
material was great, good luck, and thanks for the fee. That wasn't the case.
You instructed me to how rewrite the manuscript. You have changed my life
and I thank you.
VS, Cincinnati, OH
I don't know what to say. I'm the e-mail equivalent of speechless. The query letter is better than the novel! I would never have thought to write anything like this.
FP, Ohio
I really appreciate all that you've done for me! Your editing has made my nonfiction proposal much more readable.
You have been very professional and have done a tremendous job. Whenever I need assistance I'll be contacting you.
MJ, Tacoma, WA
I have had the chance to go over your critique and I'm (painfully) pleased at your insight and the critical points you've made. At least I'm consistent in my mistakes, if nothing else. Also,
thank you for your supportive comments. I think you've done a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the situation.
JS, Highland Village, TX
I want to thank you for helping me
make my story the best it can be.
It is a tremendous help to have
someone physically point out my mistakes. I love the way you use examples.
JG, Bluffdale, UT
Your critique of my novel is awesome. I've instituted a rewrite for the most glaring errors. After revising the first two chapters I'm excited. I've learned a lot and now question every sentence in the manuscript. Revision, rewriting, and honing are tough, but you're right, they are necessary steps to professionalism.
Your notes are without equal. You perform a wonderful service.
TGC, Lake City, FL
The scenes you've re-written are GREAT! It amazes me that the information portrayed is essentially the same as my version but, it's so much better written. That makes all the difference! You can put the emotion and the drama into the writing that I can't do.
Gerry Budd, MD, Jacksonville, FL
I must admit I have learned more from you helping me with this book then I would have by taking a course or even reading about what to do. I think my book is much better and I have been able to include everything that is important. I really enjoyed the rewriting process. I am interested in seeing how we revise the synopsis and write the cover letter to agents. I look forward to working with you on the sequel.
NK, Athens, Canada
One thing is clear, your service is
invaluable and you certainly earn every penny of your fee.
CE, Delaware
Your review was extremely educational.
It was like taking a complete course in fiction writing.
JR Lake Barrington, IL
Your method and work are remarkable,
uplifting, and motivating.
PD, Denver, CO
Thanks for all your helpful information
on moving forward with the manuscript during our e-mail coaching sessions.
I am truly grateful. All of your points are well taken. Your consultation
has been so valuable.
LN, Piscataway, NJ
You're performing an invaluable service.
You may end up responsible for a whole new generation of published writers .
SR, Sugar Hill, GA
You helped me create professional
and attention-getting query materials including my letter and synopsis.
You have ingenuity and respect for the art and craft of writing.
JE, Carlsbad, CA
I appreciate the honest words. I
like your style and find interacting with you pretty cool. I do not give
many compliments, man. Thanks for the shove. Thanks for the help.
SS, Joliet IL
I queried more than 60 agents over
the course of two years without getting a single positive response.
using your query development service, I am getting numerous requests for the manuscript.
MS, San Diego, CA
Your presentation at MWA was terrific.
Very educational, informative, and fun too.
LL, Annapolis, MD